
UK Chapter

of the
International Perfume Bottle Association

A group for collectors of perfume bottles and perfume ephemera

Annual Convention 2022

Saturday and Sunday, October 15th and 16th
at the Holiday Inn, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester.

Our first ‘normal’ two day convention since 2019 was enjoyed by all those who attended!

 Saturday also marked the 11th Annual IPBA Day and we were quick off the mark with a group good wishes on social media to all other IPBA members around the world, toasted with Phylliss’s champagne. 

This year was also the 21st year since the Chapter was formed in 2001 at the infamous Skylane hotel near Gatwick. Photo boards allowed members to pin up photos from our 21 years and these sparked a lot of reminiscences as well as sadness about long standing members no longer with us. Terry lead a review of the Chapter lifespan in the afternoon with many photos of the (mainly) highs and amusing parts of our meetings and conventions. 

An innovation this year was a bus trip to the new glass museum in Stourbridge on Friday. Our six American visitors and some UK members enjoyed the museum and the ride but the pub lunch not so much apparently! 

It was Yvonne’s birthday again and the hotel staff presented an impromptu birthday cake at the evening meal on Saturday.

Our guest speakers this year were:
Vic Weinstein and Barbara Miller, co-authors (with Gayle Syers) of a recent book English Cameo Glass Perfume Bottles.Vic and Barbara repeated their presentation to the virtual 2021 Convention John King discussed the theme of matching perfume design to the bottle. John had a glassblower make a bottle to illustrate his talk and this unique bottle was auctioned during the evening.
The history of Spanish Perfume. Afonso Oliveira (International Vice President) presented by Zoom a history of Spanish perfume from 1823 to the1960s that had been prepared by IPBA member Juanjo Crivillé. IPBA President Terri Chappell-Boyd listened in on Afonso’s talk from her home and spoke to our meeting afterwards (even though it was almost pre-dawn in Texas!)
Mohammed Jamal reflected on the change of direction that House of Jamal has taken after the pandemic.  


UK Chapter of the IPBA       Convention Organiser: Terry 0116 2478776 or 07714 671234, email terry@ipba-uk.co.uk